Dubrovnik in all its glory (and rain!)

Ethan woke up at 6am this morning and I knew that terry had just spent the hour before that trying to keep him from waking up. He seems to get extremely fidgety in the mornings! I decided to take him outside onto the loungers and give him a bottle.

It was so peaceful, just a beautiful warm sunrise, birds tweeting and me and my boy. Bliss. I didn’t want it to end.

The hosts at the apartment were amazing. They just loved Ethan so off he went on a garden tour to smell the flowers as we packed up for another day.

The drive down to Dubrovnik was 3 hours. The scenery was out of this world.; mountains, forests and old houses with terracotta roofs. We stopped along route to have a break, let Ethan stretch out and make some necessary local produce purchases. We went into a local shack on the side of the road and picked up some olive oil and lavender honey. Ethan even tried a bit and reached out for more (he’s super greedy now). 

You have to travel through Bosnia when going to Dubrovnik. Border patrol just let us straight through the EU exit (guess we have that luxury for just 2 more years :(). We thought it was strange to not have to even show our passports. Some border patrol! The coastline in Bosnia is pretty much the same as Croatia with just a different flag! 

We arrived at our accommodation in Dubrovnik at midday. It was seriously hot now, around 39c so we let Ethan sleep in our air conditioned room. He slept for 3 hours! Luckily we have a beautiful balcony with stunning views! 

It was a good idea to relax in the apartment so he could rest up and get ready for some more adventures! Unfortunately or maybe fortunately the heavens opened and the rain cooled everything down. We saw some epic lightening too! We took the bus into the old town and spent a few hours being spellbound by its beauty. Such wonderful architecture and history flowing through a majestic city. 

Ethan again eyeballed our ice creams so I caved in and gave him chocolate, this was his reaction after I wouldn’t give him a fifth lick…

The sunset this evening has been the best yet. Off to bed now as we have a 4.15am wake up call before we are off to a mystery island! 

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